Friday 10 October 2014

sLog csc165 Week 5

This week was mostly focused on the daunting mid term on Wednesday. This was my first formal test at U of T and the first time in the exam center, which was an important learning experience for future tests. I initially had trouble studying for this test. I started by reviewing my power point slides and notes, but I didn't feel like I was getting a solid understanding of the material. Later on I found it much more satisfying to redo the tutorial questions and quiz questions given in the tutorials. Answering the questions for myself, and learning from the struggles I had with particular questions helped with my learning process.
Doing the practice mid term questions also helped me prepare for the mid term. I had trouble with the first question on the mid term practice test, the question involved python functions written by Danny and at first I could not make sense of what they did. Eventually I translated what the functions were supposed to do I and I translated it into English so I could understand what the question was trying to ask me.

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