Friday, 19 September 2014

SLog CSC165 Week 2

This week I had trouble keeping up with what the professor's presentation. When giving examples I felt that other students reached conclusions much faster than I did, and I was left behind working on the first example as he moves onto the third. To solve this problem for next week, I intend to print the slides of the lecture and go through them before class to have  better understanding while the professor is presenting.
I was having trouble understanding the difference between universal and existential claims, but I understood the content much better after the TA, Jason, explained it. Universal and existential claims are meant to be proven either true or false. When proving a claim it is easier to think if it is a big or small task to prove it true or false.
A universal claim is proven true only if every element is tested to be true. This is a lot of work and is a big task. However if someone wanted to find it false they would only need to find one element to prove it is false. This is small task to accomplish.
An existential claim is proven true if only one element is proven true. This is a small task to accomplish. To prove an existential claim is false one would need to test every element and prove every element is false. This is a big task to accomplish.